Monday 29 June 2015

Osaka Go Camp - Day 1

The first day of the Osaka Go Camp 2015 has finally come!

In the morning, we gathered for a short explanation on this week's schedule for the camp, a few of the special events and of course on how the camp generally works by Maeda Ryo 6p and Li Ting 1p, the main organizers of the Osaka Go Camp. After that, we got to play the first out of eight league games. The winner of this small league tournament will be playing a top professional from the Kansai Ki-in on the last day of the camp - last year it was Yuki Satoshi 9p (and former Tengen and Judan and present winner of the NHK cup) himself!

The game started with only 50% of the camp participants being present, since the Chinese players would only be arriving later this day.
4k (we'll stick to the original ranks from Germany so we won't confuse you) played as 1k and got a female 1d player from the USA. As promised, here is the game (I also included some of Maeda-sensei's and 4k's comments):
PW[White]PB[4k]WR[1d]BR[1k]DT[2015-06-29]EV[Osaka Go Camp 2015]RO[1]PC[Osaka]AN[Maeda Ryo 6p]RE[B+10.50]
;B[iq]C[Maeda-sensei: Calm move. L3 is a more active choice.]
;W[fc]C[Maeda-sensei: Dangerous to tenuki the lower white group since black still has N3.]
;B[ae]C[Maeda-sensei: Didn't like this variation for white. Just C16 instead of B15 would have been enough (see variation).]
;W[rd]C[Maeda-sensei: Q17 would have been better.]
;W[pf]C[Maeda-sensei: This move is like a pass move. Lower left corner is big.]
;B[kp]C[Maeda-sensei: N3 would have been a good move here.
4k: I didn't consider it since white looked too stron in this area. Will look out more for moves like this.]
;B[de]C[4k: Preparation for B18. But probably too slow at this moment..]
;W[qi]C[Maeda-sensei: Not the right point to invade the right side. The following sequence is good for black.]
;B[rl]C[Maeda-sensei: R8 would have been better.]
;B[ek]C[Mada-sensei: Overplay by black. Black should strengthen the group in the upper side. G18, M18 or K13 are possible.]
;B[eo]C[Maeda-sensei: Good cut. White missed to defend here.]
;B[nf]C[Maeda-sensei: Big mistake by black. O13 securly catches the stone...
4k: I read something, but I don't remember what it was..... ^^;]
;W[od]C[Maeda-sensei: Loosing move.]
;B[ld]C[Maeda-sensei: Another mistake from black, same principle as O14. White L16 safely catches the stone.]
;W[md]C[4k: Black got lucky again. Must have been because of time pressure, since white had only a few minutes left before byoyomi (1x 30 seconds).]
;B[le]C[Maeda-sensei: It was a pretty clos game before white made those two mistakes. Now the game is in black's favour.]
;B[lg]C[4k: I wasn't 100% sure I could keep everything. Since I thought I was leading comfortably, I rather gave away the three stones to stabilise the center territory and and take sente if she took the stones.]
;B[bb]C[4k: Wanted to play that one for a loooong time.]
(;B[ca]C[Maeda-sensei: E17 instead of C19 makes seki.]
;W[ec]C[The rest is pretty much only endgame...

;W[bc]C[Maeda-sensei liked this variation better for white.]))

1k was ranked 1d for the camp and got another 1d from Canada. The game progressed quite even as Li Ting pointed out in her review. Both players made some mistakes concerning the direction of play, but black (1k) came out ahead in the end.
Here is the actual game:
(;FF[4]GM[1]AP[gobandroid:0]SZ[19]GN[Osaka Go Camp 2015 - L01]DT[2015-06-29]PB[Axel Köhler]PW[White]BR[1d]WR[1d]KM[6.5]RE[B+R]

After the games, there was a short break before we had a lecture by Yokota Shigeaki 9p. He especially emphasized the flexibilty of Go: There is not one best move that works in every situation but you always have to adjust your moves according to the actual position and to your opponents moves (and mistakes ;-) ). We also discussed a few Japanese terms for the moves like osae, sagari and nobi.

After the lecture, Maeda-sensei gave out the homework and we had time to either do it now or play free games, solve tsumego or watch the niconico live broadcast of the first day of the fifth Honinbo title match game between Iyama Honinbo and Yamashita 9p (which 4k, a die-hard fan of Iyama Yuta Kisei Meijin Honinbo Gosei, gladly did). 4k also bought a copy of Weekly Go and replayed the first game of the Gosei title match between Iyama Yuta and Yamashita Keigo from last week (they really meet a lot for Japanese titles recently).

1k played more free games and dutyfully completed his homework.

In the afternoon, the Chinese players arrived, too, so we will have much less space for our next games, too. Many of them are strong dan players, so we actually wont be playing many Chinese players for our league games.

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