Tuesday 30 June 2015

Osaka Go Camp - Day 2

On the second day of the camp the place was more crowded, as the Chinese group (about 30 people) had arrived yesterday afternoon. Because of this we dropped down a lot of boards (4k: 11 boards, 1k: 10 boards) and played with the small clocks. This is important to note, since only the big clocks have byo-yomi (1x30 seconds). The small clocks have no byo-yomi (sudden death) but with 80 minutes main time, instead of the 60 minutes of the big clocks.

Also both got to play against a 1d. 4k played against young French player and 1k played against a Japanese woman.

My game (1k) was very exciting, after I messed up a corner my opponent managed to build a huge - and I mean huge - center moyo. I never really invaded it, instead I tried to take most of the corner- and side-territory that is available on the board to make up in points. But still at the beginning of yose I was behind by at least 10 points (maybe even more), I think. During yose, however, I managed to catch up, which might be related to the fact, that my opponent had already used most of her time. In the end she resigned. Maybe it was a bit early, since I tried something that wasn't working, but the game became close at that point and she had only very little time left, too.

1k game
(;FF[4]GM[1]AP[gobandroid:0]SZ[19]GN[Osaka Go Camp 2015 - L02]DT[2015-06-30]PB[Axel Köhler]PW[White]BR[1d]WR[1d]KM[6.5]RE[B+R]

4k game
Since I won my game against a 1dan yesterday, I got anoher one today (it seems like we have plenty of 1dan players at the camp). Today, my opponent was from France and it was a really interesting game. Until I was able to destroy his right side and catch some stones there I think I was behind a little, but after that I think I was leading by about 10 points and fortunately was able to keep the lead until the end - although I didn't play a very good endgame and missed quite a few moves (then and in the middle game, too...). I didn't get a review today since we had some business to do this afternoon and then it got too late, but I hope that I might get one on this game tomorrow. Anyway, here's the game (if you have some remarks on the game, please feel free to write a comment!):
(;FF[4]GM[1]AP[gobandroid:0]SZ[19]GN[Osaka Go Camp 2015 - 2]DT[2015-06-30]PB[4k]PW[White]BR[1k]WR[1d]KM[0.5]RE[B+8.5]
And now, please bring on the next 1dan!! ;-)

Afterwards it was homework checking time (4k got 2 wrong, 1k got 1 wrong) and then the lecture started. The lecture was really nice (and funny) since the professional gave us also tips about life. He compared a weak group to a beautiful lady that you might want to chase after. Chasing directly after her, however, is not the best way to approach her. Instead he gave three tips on how to approach the "beautiful lady":
  • Approach her friends first (leaning attack)
  • Dress up nicely before approaching (strengthen your groups)
  • Don't approach (Tenuki)

In the afternoon we got to play a game against Hayashi-sensei (6p), who we had already met for the first time at the European Go Congress 2012 in Germany. We played with no handicap-stones but received reverse komi: 1k got 40 and 4k got 55 points. It was a lot of fun and while 1k lost by 1 point, 4k managed to win by 3 points (4k: I'd rather say he was playing nicely and letting me win. I don't really believe that 55 points reverse komi is quite enough actually if he played like in a real tournament. Or if he just decided not to led me win. ;-) ). After the game, he pointed out some moves that we missed and so both of us learned a few things from each game.

So that's it for the second day. We hope you enjoy our blog (it is actually so quiet here we don't know...)!

Our best regards from Osaka to whereever you are!


  1. I'm actually checking multiple times a day to see if you have posted something new : )

    I think you do a great job describing both your time in Japan and the Go camp!

    Thank you!

  2. Hey ihr zwei, ich lese immer fleißig mit. Und auch wenn ich von Go keine Ahnung habe (ich bin schon froh, dass ich irgendwann gecheckt hab, wer von euch beiden 1k und 4k ist) merkt man an euren Beschreibungen, dass ihr jede Menge Spaß habt. Das freut mich und ich wünsche euch weiterhin ne tolle Zeit.

    Mein Englisch ist zwar nicht so gut, aber ich denke, ich verstehe 90% von dem, was ihr schreibt. ^^

    LG von der Basteltante ;o)

  3. Keep the posts coming! Like your writing style and do read each post.
